Almost everyone in nutrition screams about which foods we should and should NOT eat.
Of course, eating healthy nutritious food is important.
However, one of the biggest blindspots in nutrition is that everyone just focuses on FOOD and ignores other critical elements of nutrition that we’ll be discussing in a moment.
(Keep reading to find out how you can improve this by 1,200%).
Almost everyone in nutrition screams about which foods we should and should NOT eat.
Of course, eating healthy nutritious food is important.
However, one of the biggest blindspots in nutrition is that everyone just focuses on FOOD and ignores other critical elements of nutrition that we’ll be discussing in a moment.
(Keep reading to find out how you can improve this by 1,200%).
This might shock you: organic produce is not pesticide-free.
They use pesticides derived from natural substances rather than synthetic ones, according to Carl Winter, Ph.D., Extension Food Toxicologist, and Vice Chair of Food Science and Technology at the University of California. 1
The big problem is that pesticides destroy a critical molecule that we’ll discuss in a minute.2 This means there is little to none left in the food.
Virtually everyone in nutrition has been missing the big picture.
Imagine it’s time to build your dream home...
You’ve collected images from home design magazines and websites for years.
You hired the best architect and designed your ultimate vision.
You’ve selected and shipped all of the finest building materials to your building lot.
You have all the raw materials you need: cement, marble, wood, blocks, etc...
But you come back 2 weeks later and NOTHING has been done.
All the building materials have collected dust.
You come back another 2 weeks later and STILL NOTHING has been done.
Why hasn’t anything been assembled?
The answer is: YOU HAVE NO WORKERS.
Building materials do not assemble themselves. You need someone to put them together.
It’s the same thing INSIDE YOUR BODY.
There are special molecules that are the molecular chefs… chopping and dicing your food into
valuable nutrients.
They are your BIO-WORKERS.
They do over 25,000 different functions in the body.
They are the sparks of life. Without them, NOTHING happens.
They help you get the maximum value from every meal you eat.
When you get sick, your body increases its temperature to activate more of these BIO-WORKERS to helpyou get well.
Back to the construction analogy:
Unfortunately, these bioworkers that your body produce go down with age.
Our foods also used to have more of these bioworkers when we ate a lot fresher and more raw foods, with more minerals as cofactors and less pesticides that can inhibit the bioworkers.
Restoring healthy activity of these bioworkers in your gut can eliminate occasional bloating/gas, and other digestive issues.
They will help you get better results from your fitness programs (in a minute I’ll share a hack to improve your workout gains).
What am I talking about?
What are these miraculous molecules?
They are called: ENZYMES.
Enzymes are the sparks of life. They are one of the most important molecules for a healthy body.
Digestive enzymes are the key masters of nutrition, unlocking the doors to nourishment hidden within your food.
According to Dr. Hiromi Shinya in his book The Enzyme Factor, he says, "We have over 5000 enzymes in the human body that create perhaps 25,000 different reactions. You could say that every action in our body is controlled by enzymes."
Having optimal levels of enzymes is one of the most powerful ways to improve your health, energy, and performance.
In fact, they’re helping you right now to do everything from thinking to blinking.
Enzymes are the "workers" who do all the work in deconstructing the food into its raw components. Different types of enzymes do different things, for example:
They’re also involved in clearing out stressors from your body.
Think of enzymes as divine catalysts that support overall health and well-being.
You cannot break down food into valuable nutrients without enzymes.
The problem is, as you get older, your enzymes decrease.
Dr. Edward Howell, who is considered the father of food enzymes3 theorized that every person is born with an enzyme bank account.4
Dr. Howell believed that a person’s enzyme levels may be 60% lower by the age of 55.5
Dr. Hiromi Shinya agrees. In his book, Enzyme Factor, he says: "I believe we create these different enzymes out of a base or source enzyme, which is more or less finite in our body."6 (source) If you don’t have enough enzymes it means:
Enzymes turn your digestion from a tumultuous sea of food indigestion and discomfort into a serene oasis of balanced enzymes and effortless digestion.
Absorption and assimilation are the keys to truly feeding your body and optimizing your health.
Digestive enzymes are the alchemists of the body, transforming ordinary food into vital energy.
Potent enzymes called proteases break down protein into absorbable, valuable amino acids… which are what your body requires for health, recovery, and growth.
It doesn’t matter if you’re consuming 300 grams of protein daily – if you don’t have a sufficient supply of enzymes to digest the protein, your body will be starving for those vital amino acids.
A great enzyme formula contains various proteases that work at different pH levels. This ensures that the protein gets broken down into amino acids at every stage of digestion.
The amino acids, fatty acids, and glucose cross the intestinal barrier and enter the bloodstream.
In this phase, the enzymes are the maestros, orchestrating a symphony of biological harmonies within our bodies.
In this final phase, enzymes reassemble amino acids into peptides and proteins in your target cells and organs. These get assimilated as muscle, organs, neurotransmitters, and much more.
Fatty acids become energy, brain matter, skin, hair, body fat, myelin sheath, hormones, etc. Guess what does the work?
Enzymes are the workers that do the assimilation. Digestive enzymes are like faithful shepherds, guiding the nutrients through the wilderness of digestion.
Carbohydrates get stored either in the liver or muscles or turn into body fat via the lipogenesis process. Lipogenesis is a 25-cent word that means you didn’t burn the excess carbs so it's going to be stored as fat.
Enzymes are the body's silent superheroes, saving us from the danger of undigested food particles.
That’s why I feel an obligation to bring this message to you and the rest of the world.
It all started in 2005.
My partner Wade Lightheart and I went to an all-day medical conference hosted by Dr. Michael O’Brien.
He completely changed how we saw nutrition, the digestive system, and health itself.
We were blown away by his energy and vitality. He was the most vibrant 70+-year-old man we had ever met. He didn’t eat anything all day except enzymes and his brain was sharp as a tack.
He spoke all day and completely changed our paradigm of nutrition.
After the event, we decided to try his program which involved taking a lot of enzymes every day.
I still remember the first time we took the enzymes. It felt like the light switch came on in our brains and bodies. Our energy went up to a new level. It was the return of childlike energy.
The results didn’t stop there. Our health and bodies both transformed over the next 90 days.
19 years later, enzymes are still changing my life. For which I am eternally grateful. Here’s a recent example...
Enzymes don’t only just digest your food; special plant enzymes could get absorbed into the bloodstream and deliver systemic benefits.
One of them is breaking down cellular debris from day-to-day activities and hard training inside your body.
Being in my 40s and with a lifetime of training martial arts, these special enzymes have helped me keep up my recovery. I haven’t felt like my age has caught up with me.
I’ve been banged up in all different ways in my fights and training, yet today all my limbs and joints work perfectly.
Any time I need extra support for my wolverine mode, these enzymes have been my secret weapons. Even my doctors have been shocked at how fast I could return to work and training.
Exercise scientists have published some remarkable research about proteolytic enzymes in the pastfew decades.
Here’s some research done by a variety of doctors on injured athletes using enzymes:
Dr. Fulgrave believes that recovery from sprains and strains can go from 8 weeks of inactivity to 2 weeks with enzymes.8
J.M. Zuschlag’s “Double-Blind Clinical Study Using Certain Proteolytic Enzymes Mixtures In Karate Fighters” study showed mind-blowing improvements:9
These are what we could call SYSTEMIC effects. Proteases are the KEY to getting those incredible results.
Most notably, a study by Beck et al in 2007 demonstrated a “statistically significant” difference in strength between subjects given proteolytic enzymes and subjects given a placebo 10.
Here’s what happened: the men in the study were given strength tests throughout a two-week period…
At the end of the study, the group given the proteolytic enzymes was able to produce greater overall force with their muscle, leading the experimenters to conclude that recovery was quicker.
Faster recovery = more time and opportunity for muscle growth.
A study enrolled ten healthy untrained subjects, ranging in age from 18–45 years.
In this controlled pilot study, intake of proteolytic capsules for 30 days resulted in a significant reduction in standardized measures of discomfort and tenderness post eccentric exercise compared to the placebo group.
Hopefully, at this point you’re sold on the power and importance of enzymes. They are truly life-changing molecules.
Before you run out and buy a bottle of enzymes, you need to know exactly what to look for. The sad truth is that most enzymes are of little-to-no value. We know because we’ve tested all of the best-selling formulas in the lab and…
Most of them are absolute garbage.
The hefty costs stop most companies from developing and stabilizing proteolytic enzymes...
And stability is crucial because enzymes are most effective when they're active in the broad pH range of your digestive tract.
The economics drive most supplement companies to produce cheap, weak enzymes that don’t work. They cut corners to inflate their profits.
And they produce enzymes that are animal-based, enterically-coated, or contain little-to-no protease.
They need to be loaded with protease… Proteases are the holy grail for a healthy body. They are the most important digestive and systemic enzymes.
Protease is also the most expensive enzyme to produce, and there are several different kinds of protease enzymes.
Most formulations are stuffed with cheap amylase (digests carbohydrates) and low-quality lipase (digests fats)... while protease tends to be low in both quality and quantity.
Noticing a gap in the market, and not being able to find anything we would use ourselves, we decided to build our own formula...
In 2005, Dr. Michael O'Brien introduced us to the power of enzymes.
After following his enzyme protocol we were shocked and amazed by the results, then we decided to build an even stronger formula.
In 2005 we created MassZymes, the strongest proteolytic enzyme formula ever.
It quickly became a bestselling supplement amongst high-level athletes and biohackers.
Since then, we've continued to improve that formula and make it stronger with MassZymes 2.0 and 3.0.
However, at BIOptimizers, we never stop taking our formulas to the next level, and that's why we created an R&D partnership with the International Burch University over three years ago. We now have a team of over 20 world-class brilliant scientists, biologists, and chemists.
We're using the scientific process to improve all of our formulas. After running 243 enzyme experiments, we have created the most potent version of MassZymes ever.
We started by getting our hands on every single enzyme we could from around the world and testing them one by one. Then, based on these results, we took the strongest ones and combined them together to create synergy.
Now, synergy is when you combine multiple things together to unlock exponential effects. Essentially, it is like one plus one equals 10. Our new enzyme combination created revolutionary results.
We're incredibly excited to introduce MassZymes 4.0: the most potent digestive enzyme formula EVER.
A group of researchers at the Burch International University in Bosnia did a protein test.
They used the best digestive lab test called InfoGest. It’s considered the gold standard for simulating the digestive process.
They passed different proteins (including casein, gluten and whey) through InfoGest. After the protein had passed through InfoGest, they calculated the amount of amino acids.
They did one round without MassZymes 4.0 and the other one with MassZymes 4.0.
The proteins combined with MassZymes 4.0 released 1,200% more amino acids compared with your digestive system alone.
That’s truly amazing. You’re basically increasing the value of your protein by 1,200% because amino acids are what you want.
Amino acids are responsible for all the repair that’s occurring in your body.
Click the video below to watch the MassZymes meat experiment and see them turn the beef into a pool of amino acids in front of your eyes.
Simply take 3 capsules with a normal-sized meal.
If you’re eating a BIGGER meal, then you can double the dose to 6 capsules. And if you’re enjoying a legendary Holiday Feast, then you can take 8-10 capsules.
The amazing thing about enzymes is: we’ve never found the limit.
Wade and I have taken 100 capsules a day many times and we’ve felt amazing.
30 minutes before your workout, mix 3 capsules of MassZymes with your favorite protein and sip throughout your workout.Protein gets broken down into amino acids much faster.
Research done on pre-digested protein showed 8% less muscle breakdown and 33% more muscle building after a grueling bodybuilding workout.11
Spread 2 capsules of MassZymes on a piece of meat and leave for 60 to 90 minutes. Then wash it off and season your steak as you normally would. It really softens the meat.
Based on all of the research on enzymes and recovery, we are big fans of taking MassZymes during any fast. We suggest taking 10 capsules of Masszymes on an empty stomach twice a day.
As I’m writing this, MassZymes has over 1,500 reviews across Amazon and our website with an average score of 4.6 stars. Here are a few...
You are protected by our 365-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee.
These are products that we recommend to friends, family, and coworkers. Heck, even my MOM takes these and she LOVES them.
Try MassZymes even if you’re not entirely certain. You have nothing to lose and a new level of health to gain.
We have a wonderful, highly-rated customer support team on standby waiting and looking forward to talking with you and helping you resolve any questions or concerns you might have.
We typically answer in less than 30 minutes and our team gets a 99% satisfaction rating from our clients.
Don’t be shy. We WELCOME and look forward to the opportunity to connect with amazing people like you.
No matter what diet you’re on...
No matter what your health goals or dreams are...
No matter what your health goals or dreams are...
Turn your digestion from a dark abyss of suboptimally-digested food particles and suboptimal nutrient absorption to a radiant light of optimal nutrient absorption and vibrant well-being.
You’ve seen all the reasons why trying to focus purely on eating good food isn’t enough, because if you’re lacking enzymes, you won’t absorb all the nutrients.
Now it’s time to move forward. 💪
MassZymes is an incredible value, considering it’s one of the most transformative supplements any human being can take.
This is why we worked so hard researching the purest, most potent source of enzymes, and are making it available to you at the best possible price.
Indeed, EVERY cell in your body… will thank you for it.
We’re here to help you to become the super-human version of yourself.
Thank you for reading this letter.
I hope it was educational and I hope you’re inspired to test MassZymes for yourself.
Our mission at BIOptimizers is to “End physical suffering by helping people discover and activate BIOptimized Health.”
Building best-in-class formulas like MassZymes is how we do our part.
MassZymes has been a part of my daily life for almost twenty years and I will be taking it as long as I’m alive.
Devoted to bringing biological optimization to the world,